55,000 square meters of warehouse space, four modern halls, and numerous storage solutions facilitating the flexible distribution of goods. Such were the exceptional conditions and services experienced by future logisticians from the Technical School in Przasnysz of Major Henryk Sucharski at Prologis Park Warsaw-Żerań, where they gained valuable knowledge from Prologis experts.

students in reflective vests entering warehouse


November 21, 2022 will stay in the memory of our students for a long time. Each of them underwent a short occupational health and safety training, receiving a helmet and vest. Prologis experts then gave a detailed description of fire protection infrastructure, construction processes for individual warehouses, and required permits. The group was shown around warehouses built using various different technologies, and there was no shortage of variety in learning about modern construction methods, innovative storage technologies, and state-of-the-art building materials used in Prologis logistics centers,” said Paweł Stanisław Szczepkowski, School Director at the Powiat Schools in Przasnysz of Major Henryk Sucharski.

We showed students the secrets of working at Prologis Park Warsaw-Żerań. Future logisticians learned information and saw places which they would not have access to elsewhere. They got a practical look into how warehouse halls work, the various forms of loading, and the different types of docks. Students also learned which companies are tenants of Prologis logistics parks, found out that a warehouse is more than just four walls and a roof, and learned tips for responding effectively to customer needs,” said Paweł Giczewski, Real Estate & Customer Experience Manager at Prologis.

students in the warehouse looking at the dock gate opens


Thanks to its strategic location and state-of-the-art warehouse solutions, Prologis Park Warsaw-Żerań is an ideal place for students to gain logistics experience in a friendly and professional environment. The warehouse center is located in the northern part of Warsaw, in the Białołęka district, only 15 kilometers from the city center. Less than a kilometer separates them from the A2 motorway and only 4 kilometers from the S7 transit road.

A culture of openness and talent development has always a key driving force for Prologis. The opportunity to observe daily work for tenants at Prologis Park Warsaw-Żerań will help these students understand the specifics of the logistics industry and the operation of key warehouse processes, in accordance with the best quality and safety standards.

Whether it’s a culture of openness, nurturing young talent, or sharing knowledge, development is... Made in Prologis.

group of students in reflecitve vests inside the warehouse
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Martin Baláž bol povýšený na pozíciu senior viceprezidenta a prevzal zodpovednosť za vedenie Prologis v troch stredoeurópskych krajinách


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